Post-Quantum Blockchain

Secure your funds with the Post-Quantum implementation of the NEAR Protocol.

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About us

About the Post-Quantum Team

The Post-Quantum-Team is a group of cybersecurity and cyberdefense engineering students. Our engineering school named ENSIBS is based in Brittany, in the west of France. PQT has been created in 2022 to create a Blockchain that will resist quantum attacks.

We know that quantum computing is arriving. The quantum supremacy will lead to the obsolescence of the main actual cryptographic standards. RSA and Elliptic-Curve Cryptography will no longer be secure. Those standards, particularly ECC, are used by all the blockchains nowadays. A lack of security in ECC will obviously lead to a lack of security in every blockchain implementation.

To anticipate the arrival of quantum computers, the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched a competition in 2016 to standardize “Post-Quantum Cryptography”. The competition ended in 2022 with 4 winners. 3 of them are digital signature algorithms and could be implemented in blockchain.

Our objective is to use Falcon-512, one of those standardized digital signature algorithms and implement it in a performant, secure and environmental-friendly blockchain: NEAR Protocol.

NEAR Protocol is a blockchain that launched officially in April 2021. This protocol was built with high-security standards and allows several thousands of transactions per second. It is one of the best blockchain nowadays in terms of performance, security and environmental impact.


Post-Quantum Blockchain Roadmap


Frequently Asked Questions

What is PQB?

PQB corresponds to Post-Quantum Blockchain. It is an implementation of NEAR Protocol that secures transactions with Post-Quantum Wallet!

What is "Post-Quantum"?

"Post-Quantum" corresponds to the era that will come when quantum computers will be mastered. Blockchains cryptography as we know it nowadays will no longer be secure.

Who are you?

We are the "Post-Quantum Team", a group of cybersecurity and cyberdefense engineering students. Our school is the ENSIBS, based in France, in Britanny (west of France).

How do you secure the Blockchain?

To secure the users transactions, we use Falcon-512. It is one of the NIST-selected Post-Quantum Cryptography algorithms that allows digital signatures.
For now, we don't secure the consensus mechanism.

Why Falcon-512?

Our choice of using Falcon-512 is based on 3 main reasons:
- Public Key and Digital Signature size
- Security performance and ease of evolution
- Computing performance

Why NEAR Protocol?

NEAR Protocol is:
- Secured, by its implementation (using PoS and Hidden validators)
- A High-Performance blockchain (using shards)
- Environment-friendly